Nearing the End of my goal.
I have been blogging about my journey for 4 months very inconsitently but that is the start of my journey. I have lost the weight I wanted to lose and I am very happy about that. I have not tried on the pants that were my goal to fit into yet but I think they are going to fit now. I had a friend over that I have not seen in a few months because life gets in the way of things sometimes and she told me fairly bluntly that I need to get rid of the belt and all the pants I had in the size I was wearing. "They don't fit you at all anymore and it looks sloppy like your in hand me down cloths as an Adult." I did not aware that my clothing might fit very poorly after losing 25 LB or so in 4 months but they really do not fit at all. She is right on how my clothing fits right now, I look sloppy even though my phisical body looks better the clothing makes me look bad. This is a bit of a problem as most of my clothing is now too big for me because I replaced all my regular pants, s...