
Showing posts from June, 2024

Nearing the End of my goal.

  I have been blogging about my journey for 4 months very inconsitently but that is the start of my journey. I have lost the weight I wanted to lose and I am very happy about that. I have not tried on the pants that were my goal to fit into yet but I think they are going to fit now. I had a friend over that I have not seen in a few months because life gets in the way of things sometimes and she told me fairly bluntly that I need to get rid of the belt and all the pants I had in the size I was wearing. "They don't fit you at all anymore and it looks sloppy like your in hand me down cloths as an Adult." I did not aware that my clothing might fit very poorly after losing 25 LB or so in 4 months but they really do not fit at all. She is right on how my clothing fits right now, I look sloppy even though my phisical body looks better the clothing makes me look bad. This is a bit of a problem as most of my clothing is now too big for me because I replaced all my regular pants, s

Hiking, Biking, and running? OH MY!

  I finally got some extra time to do something different just for myself. On Fathers day I ended up taking a drive with a friend to a hiking area in NH. I think it was in the White Mountains the area was called Flume Gorge. The hike was fairly short as far as hiking miles go and it was not difficult at all. We ended up taking a little under 2 hours to hike it but we were taking out time and taking pictures of the area as we hiked. This area is a very new hiker friendly spot, there are paths, bridges, and wooden walk ways across the whole hike. Its a very pretty hike and I would go again if I find more free time to myself again.  Aside from the hike I ended running on the treadmil, biking, and lifting this week. I did not really end up taking a rest day though it looks like it from the data on the samsung watch I was lifting on Monday and Thursday so I was exercising those days as well. The runs on the treadmill have been fairly easy for me now that I have been doing it for a while. I

Bike rides and unexpected findings.

 I have been keeping at the journey and having a good time with all my progress. My bike rides have gotten longer and faster every day that I get out for a ride. I have been trying to ride every weekend morning and at least once per weekday though with work and kids getting outside to ride my bike on a weekday is hard to do. That being said I have changed my stance on something I did not think I was ever going to riding in the rain or other bad weather. I like my bikes and I try to treat them well but if I do not ride in the rain sometimes then I would not get out there and use them often enough. I mostly ride the Ozark Trail bike in the rain as I kinda of want to replace components on it anyway but I do make sure to check that the chain has some lube on it as well as drying off the bike right when I get back from riding in the rain. So far there are no rusted parts or other damage from this.  The last ride I was on was 25 miles and mostly paved roads with tree cover like the main imag

Twenty Pounds lost since the start of the journey!

  The first blog post I made about my journey I weighed in at 180 LBS. That was not my heaviest but it was the number I started the journey on and since that first post I lost 20 LBS! Now main goal of getting into some work pants is just about there I can fit in them and they are tight but they will button so I am very happy about the progress thus far. One porblem I currently have is none of the clothing I bought over the past few years fits me now. I have jeans that if I do not have a belt on they just fall right down and I don't have other size jeans so all of them are too big. I am very happy with clothing being too big for me even though that means having to buy new things I will do that over time. Other than a bathing suit! I brought my kids to the local lake and my bathing suit did not fit to the point where it was about to fall off like my jeans. I ened up getting it working but the strings holding it to my body made everything look awful. I will say though I lost 20 pounds