Hiking, Biking, and running? OH MY!


I finally got some extra time to do something different just for myself. On Fathers day I ended up taking a drive with a friend to a hiking area in NH. I think it was in the White Mountains the area was called Flume Gorge. The hike was fairly short as far as hiking miles go and it was not difficult at all. We ended up taking a little under 2 hours to hike it but we were taking out time and taking pictures of the area as we hiked. This area is a very new hiker friendly spot, there are paths, bridges, and wooden walk ways across the whole hike. Its a very pretty hike and I would go again if I find more free time to myself again. 

Aside from the hike I ended running on the treadmil, biking, and lifting this week. I did not really end up taking a rest day though it looks like it from the data on the samsung watch I was lifting on Monday and Thursday so I was exercising those days as well. The runs on the treadmill have been fairly easy for me now that I have been doing it for a while. I am able to keep at 7.5 for 15 mintues at a time with out stopping. I do end up stopping after 15 minutes normally just so that I can make sure I stay hydrated and not over do things in the heat. I don't not want to end up passing out on treadmill by pushing myself even though I have the kill switch attached to my shirt I don't want to ever have a problem with passing out. The bike rides are also getting fairly easy for me. I am trying to break my personal speed records when it is safe to do it. I have pushed my cheap gravel bike to 27 miles per hour in some spots but that is bursting speeds not sustained by any means. My average speed has increased but its only around 14-15 miles per hour so nothing super fast. When I started this journey my average speeds on the bike were closer to 12-13 miles per hour so I am improving slowly. I think bike riding is my favorite thing to do right now as I am getting out of the house exploring new areas of my city and having fun along the way. I feel if I were to do the same with running I would not have as good of a time as I would not get to see half of the things and it would just be painful to think of the miles I have left to run. I will still test this theory and see what happens when I start running outside. 

Lifting has been going well too. I have not added weight to my lifts but I am keeping at them and not having any soarness the next day. Squats are 90 5x5 Push up 5x5 Sit ups 10x5 OverHead Press 20 LB 5x5 and Bench Press 70 LB 5x5. With this rutine I have not seen any gains yet but I do not expect there to be anything right no as I am not pushing myself on the weight lifting I am pushing myself on the cardio side of things untill I get to a much better spot weight and size wise. 

Writing about the weight and size I have hit another plateau and this one is going to take a lot longer to get past I think. I hover around 157 and 161 for weight and this is very dependant on what I eat and drink before I weigh myself in the morning. This is kind of expected but I was hopping to see myself go down at least a half pound a week and see the progress but I am only seeing the up down up down of these numbers. I am keeping my diet the way it is as it has been working fiarly well for me up until now. One of the problems I am facing with my diet right now is that it is around the time of year in the summer where cook outs and birthdays are plenty for me. I can not be the crazy looking person with a food scale at a kids birthday party weighing out the slices of pizza and cake I am eating and I also can't bring a salad for myself with out looking super rude. So yes I will eat the pizza and cake provided at a party and not count is properly. This does end up with the problem of under counting calories and over eating a little bit. This is not every weekend so its not like that is a large problem for me but still it is something that is causing some of the flip flop of weight and keeping me at the flat line again. 

One last little thing about the journey I am going to keep at it and keep posting about it even if life makes it a little hard to post and about it sometimes. I would rather keep up at this and keep myself on the journey blogging about my progress than stopping the blogging which in turn would slowly pause the exercising. I would like to find a more time to write and improve my writing along the way here as well. I find it hard to exercise, spend time with my kids, work, and blog so sometime I end up not writing a post or not proof reading my posts after I write them. I am going to have to get better at that and make sure that I focus a little bit more on it. I will still be on the journey and will still be updating the blog as often as I can. 

I am off to continue the journey! Have a wonderful day and thank you very much for reading!


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