
Showing posts from July, 2024

I wake up in the morning and I get on my bike.

  I have been waking up in the morning the past few weeks and instead of getting a coffee I fill up a water bottle and get on my bike. It has been hard to wake up and get on the bike every day but its something I feel awesome about once I start riding. I also started noticing the few days I don't ride in the morning I am grumpier throughout the day. This is something when I started exercising I did not think I would be doing. I don't think I put that into any of the blog posts before but getting up early is hard for me because of the kids and having to be online for work. The one very awesome thing is I work remotely so I can pretend this is my commute and be at home relaxed knowing I don't have any traffic to contend with once work is over.  As for some other recent updates I have decided that even if I never make a youtube video I will be recording all of my rides with my DJI camera. I bought the thing a long time ago and keep coming up with reasons it should be used for

Got some new things and excited about taking the kids on the journey.

Today was a bit of a different day for me. I was on my morning ride and was thinking about the attachments to bring my kids on rides and as I was thinking about it I saw a few riders with the carts and they had their kids in them. My main problems about riding with the kid cart in the back of my bike was the fact that drivers are a bit crazy sometimes and I worry about the safety with the carts. I asked a one of them what they thought of things and how drivers were when they had the carts attached and they told me that for the most part people are not as bad when they have the carts on the bikes as when they are just riding themselves. After my ride I ended up running out to the store to get a new cart for my kids.  I started by going to the local bike shops near me and the first one I went to was not a friendly place. I asked to see if they had used carts or other used items because I wanted to save money and maybe get more for my money and they said they only sell new things. I asked

Blogging VS microblogging VS vlogging?

 Something has been weighing on my mind about blogging. I am not the best at it in terms of keeping up with updates and coming up with the freshest ideas on what to write about. I know that this is the standard post for my blog but I wanted to change a few things and get better at blogging writing and telling a good story in general. I am not going to stop the blog but I am going to complement or supplement my blog here with different content formats. I am dabbling in the idea of starting a channel for youtube to get a vlog going and this way I can use the vlog to add content to the blog and have a bit more than just the photos of my journeys and screenshots of my scale. I was also thinking of adding a bit of micro blogging to the mix here and have some quicker bits of information that I could compile into a larger blog post with more info and context added here. I was unsure of the platform that is best fitenss and exercise but I know that I hate twitter or what ever people are callin

Another Week Of Exercising Done and Feeling Better Than Ever.

 I have been going out everyday this week for bike rides. I did have one rest day yesterday that was very much needed. I did 7 hours of biking over the week and though I did not get in as many miles as the other week I still got in a lot of biking and pushed myself harder and harder each ride and it has paid off and also I am paying for it.  Thursday was my longest riding day so far. I am getting ready to ride the 100 miles I am setting out do to by the end of September or early October. Total miles on Thursday was close to 35. I made a mistake where I left the house and did not set my watch to log the bike ride so it auto logged it for a little bit before I noticed what was wrong and fixed it. I lost some of the miles in that 5 minutes as it does not report them as cleanly when you let it auto record. Either way I did a morning ride and an afternoon ride which is not how I am going to do the 100 mile ride but I had somethings I had to do at 11 which caused me to have to split it like

Review of the Ozark Trail 700C G.1 Explorer Gravel Bike.

Ozark Trail 700C G. 1 Explorer Gravel Bike. 7/10 not a bad bike!  I have read and watched a few reviews on the Ozark Trail 700C G. 1 Explorer Gravel Bike and I am typing it out by full name becuase I think that has the best chance for my review to be read. Anyway I am writing this review after watching and reading other reviews becuase there is something very odd that I have noticed with them. Either this bike is the best bike on the market for the money or its should go straight to the trash becuase its the worst. I feel that both of these types of reviews are just wrong but they do all have good points about the bike. I have put 500 miles on the bike and I have thoughts on it as well as the discourse about the bike.  So this bike cost 250 dollars before taxes. For that 250 dollars you get a heavy gravel bike with cheap components. One of the complaints I have heard about this is that Walmart sells bike shaped objects and nothing is pretentious than a cyclist saying that a place sells

Had a very good week last week, Other than some bad brakes.

  Last week was one of my best weeks for exercising since the beginning of the journey. I was able to get out on my bike every day and though it was not 20 miles each ride I got a little over 100 miles for the week. I felt awesome at the end of it but my legs were very soar when walking up stairs and things. That is something I am very willing to deal with to get out and continue exercising. I do have some thoughts about the bike after getting this many miles done in one week and doing 500 miles since owning it.  I started the week riding the Ozark Trail G.1 Explorer Gravel bike and the last two rides were on my specilized mountain bike... One of the rides I was going down the trail and saw a guy walking his dog which is no big deal I slow down a bit as I know that dogs sometimes wander around and I wanted to make sure that I gave plenty of notice when passing them. I did not hit my brakes I just stopped pedaling. As I thought after I called out "passing on your left" the dog

I am addicted to riding my bike!

  I think I have become addicted to riding my bike I really enjoy getting out and about on it. When I started this journey I knew I liked biking but I never really cared as much for road biking or that style of bike. I was never big on riding in the street or near people as people seem to have a hatred for cyclists and I have had cars yell at me years ago for just being on a bike. I do not get why people get mad like this at cyclists but what ever that is their problem not mine but it did make me hate riding my bike in the street or near people. The last time someone yelled at me on the road was years ago though I did have an older lady flip me off on a trail recently I found it funny more than anything else. She thought I was going to fast or something like that and I should not be riding that fast on a trail. I was going 6 miles per hour at that time so she just hated cyclists on the trails. Getting more miles on the trials and road in the past year has been awesome and changed how I