Blogging VS microblogging VS vlogging?

 Something has been weighing on my mind about blogging. I am not the best at it in terms of keeping up with updates and coming up with the freshest ideas on what to write about. I know that this is the standard post for my blog but I wanted to change a few things and get better at blogging writing and telling a good story in general. I am not going to stop the blog but I am going to complement or supplement my blog here with different content formats. I am dabbling in the idea of starting a channel for youtube to get a vlog going and this way I can use the vlog to add content to the blog and have a bit more than just the photos of my journeys and screenshots of my scale. I was also thinking of adding a bit of micro blogging to the mix here and have some quicker bits of information that I could compile into a larger blog post with more info and context added here. I was unsure of the platform that is best fitenss and exercise but I know that I hate twitter or what ever people are calling it these days so I ended up going signing up for threads and instagram. 

I am asking myself a few questions about these thoughts of adding microblogging and vlogging to the mix such as why vlogging and why micro blog? You don't like the way you look or sound in photos or videos and you never know what to write or the best way to interact with other people who would be commenting on your posts. These questions have answers similar to why I started this blog and I think overall its a good things to get over myself and push a little bit out of my comfort zone. I have been keeping up with the blog for a while not the most consitently but I have not stopped and I thought I might end up doing that once I saw very few people reading it. One of my worries when starting the blog was that I was just going to stop and not bother updating it and also stop with the journey itself. I have not done that and I have gotten a little better at putting my thoughts in a post and not felt as embarrassed about having a blog up. It also helped me get out on my bike more and start with Strava. This might sound very odd as my view counts per post are very low to none but something about just putting my thoughts out there and even one view is awesome. Even though there are not many views and no one seems to care I enjoy writing the blog and making the content for it. If I can get over the initial embarrassment on the blog and post a picture of my scale then I can do other things and get over my self consciousness and create more things and maybe interact with others in a way I have not done before.

How can I think of VLogging when I don't like how I sound or how I look on camera? I do not have the answer for this yet I did set up the youtube channel but I do not know how to rip that bandaid off to post my first video but I know once the first one is up the second one will be easier to do. I have a version of final cut already because I like making videos and I know how to use it for small projects. Think like color grading lightly, sound editing, and stitching together a few clips to make an overall video project. Nothing I have done so far is that fancy its mostly just limiting background noise and lowering highlights so I can have a video of my kids on their birthdays or things like that. I am not recording in log or fancy methods just auto becuase its been mostly other people and memory style videos. So I have all the things needed to make the videos sound and look at least clean. Listening to myself talk to edit a 10 minute video where I also have to listen to it multiple times sounds awful to me because I hate the sound of my voice. Seeing myself and not just deleting the videos right away is going to be another thing that I have to get over but I think I can do it and find myself happier adding it to the blog. I also think that I can start slow adding video with out myself in them first but just talking as I ride my bike or jog or what not and then add in other things after like shots of myself riding or running. I am going to have to think about how to get this done with out being so embarrassed I just stop. Clearly there is no content on the youtube channel right now but I made it and might as well link to it subscribe if you want to push me to make videos. If I saw a subscriber on it I would end up having to make a video and get over myself even quicker. My youtube Channel

Aside from the youtube I started a threads account for some lighter blogging I am thinking that I am going use the threads for putting some of the quicker content on and then use this blog to compile things together and make it a long post with more info here. I will not be posting my weight or anything like that on the threads its going to be more about the exercises and other notable things that are quick to post. I made a first post about a trail cat that I stopped to pat for example. I do not think that a trail cat is good enough for a long post blog but is perfect for a short micro blog platform like threads. I also might use threads a jumping off point to start making some short video content and where there are less viewers than youtube and I can get used to things before making a longer youtube video. Link to my threads profile.

There are other worries I have about being on social platforms with more reach than my own domain and blogger but I think I am going to have to push those fears aside and get out there and make more content while expanding my horizons. Most of those fears are coming from a place of never even getting out there and other fears are unfounded. Why should I lock myself away from the world and not enjoy things that I might enjoy just because I am afraid of things? That is something the blog has shown me is that some of the fears are just unfounded and I think its time to continue the other part of the journey and make more content. 

Link to the trail cat thread.

Also to udate the blog I am keeping at it still. I weigh the same as last update and each time I get on the scale or look at myself in the mirror I have to remember that looking better take a long time and that losing the last bits of weight are going to seem like the longest part of things I just have to keep at it and keep on it and it will work out. 

I am off to continue the journey! Have a wonderful day and thank you very much for reading!


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