I wake up in the morning and I get on my bike.


I have been waking up in the morning the past few weeks and instead of getting a coffee I fill up a water bottle and get on my bike. It has been hard to wake up and get on the bike every day but its something I feel awesome about once I start riding. I also started noticing the few days I don't ride in the morning I am grumpier throughout the day. This is something when I started exercising I did not think I would be doing. I don't think I put that into any of the blog posts before but getting up early is hard for me because of the kids and having to be online for work. The one very awesome thing is I work remotely so I can pretend this is my commute and be at home relaxed knowing I don't have any traffic to contend with once work is over. 

As for some other recent updates I have decided that even if I never make a youtube video I will be recording all of my rides with my DJI camera. I bought the thing a long time ago and keep coming up with reasons it should be used for riding. Today I was in the bike lane on a main road and coming up to where a side street intersects the main road where people can either take a left or right to get on the main road or go straight to keep on the side street. I am sure you know how roads work... anyway there are no lights and the main road always has right of way. Well someone decided to come out of the side street, stare at me on my bike, and try to slowly take a right onto the main road. I don't know if they thought that they had a 1000 horsepower car or if they thought that I was going super slow but I ended up swerving behind them and then riding on the sidewalk for a few feet until I could drop back down into the street. I was not happy but I was also not mad just disappointed. Cycling is not super hated here, I mean it is not something that a lot of people like either but we have some good infrastructure and I don't feel as if the cars are ever trying to hit me like I have felt in other places riding. Even when riding in roads were there is no bike lane the cars pass slowly and give plenty of space. Its only a few pe
ople that even pass close or fast but mostly its fine with no issues. I want to ride with a camera on just because of the few times like today when someone does something stupid. I want to make sure that I can prove beyond a shadow of doubt that if I get into an accident that I did everything correctly and zero fault is on me. 

Talking about recording rides and all that I have been posting pictures of rides and doing som micro blogging on threads and I enjoy it there. I don't get a lot of views or anything but I get a few likes here and there which makes me feel at least seen. I like to have a creative side even if I don't get any engagement its why I started blogging anyay just to have a creative outlet. If my recording looks okay tomorrow I might make a short video and post it there see how it does. Get my feet wet for a vlog on youtube. 

Last update for the day is that I am still losing weight. My body fat percent is getting very low according to the scale. Samsung Health is showing a slightly higher number but it is not a wildly different as it used to be. That might be because of the new watch I have now, the Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra.

The scale pushes the weight data to Samsung Health so the 148.3 is what was pushed to samsung health through the scale I am not going to worry about why it is .1 different to me there is no point in that at all. Either way the body fat percent on the watch is 19.1 and that is only slightly higher than the 17.5 percent on the scale. Both of these do use an method that is not 100 percent accurate but good for trends. This trend is going down and I am still happy about all of this and wanted to share that the numbers are closer than my other posts where it was like 22 percent on the scale and 30 percent on the watch. I am trending to where I want to be in life as far as weight goals and body fat percent goes I still have a long journey for overall fitness though. I think I am going to review the new watch in a few weeks once I use it a bit more but overall I think I like the additions it adds to the samsung health. 

I am off to continue the journey! Have a wonderful day and thank you very much for reading!


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