Riding Every Weekend with My Family!


I have not been updating the blog much because life is busy for me right now. I have been getting out every weekend with the kids for the last few weeks of summer to ride bikes and explore the surrounding area. The past few rides have been fairly long with them and they are really enjoying it. We stop in the tunnels to look at the graffiti and my daughter liked the "funny looking dog" which is the character Gir from the show Invader Zim. I had to take a picture of it becuase I thought it was such an odd thing to tag on a wall. I know they had a new movie in the past few years but I did not think the show was still popular enough to get spray painted on a wall. Anyway we are also exploring new places we can stop off at like the park in the woods we saw. 

I say in the woods but that is not quite accurate. The park is along a multi use path but its not a park you could get to easily by car I don't think so it would mostly be people walking to it or biking to it. The past few times we have biked by it there were lots of people and kids playing today there was no one when we got there but we decided to stop for the kids anyway. As we played there was another family that biked up and had some lunch and our kids played together. It was a very nice to see other people with bikes similar to mine riding with kids. We ended up doing 20 miles for this ride and the kids loved it and the new park. They can not wait to go more places on the bikes. 

Last weekend I did a solo ride after the ride with the family to scope out some more areas that I could bring the charriot through with out the worry of too many cars. I have been riding for a while now but I still worry that some driver is not going to care and clip the side of me or the kid cart when we are riding so I like to keep our biking to areas where there are no or very few cars. Scoping out some more areas was a let down for places to go with the kids. The area I was looking at had a lot of bike lanes and they were perfectly fine and safe but more so for an adult rider as there was also some areas with consturction and small zones where you had to take the lane because they cut the bike lane out to work on things on the side of the road. Those things are temporary so I will be able to feel safer taking the kids there once those things are done but for now it will be a very similar ride for them. 

One of the areas I scopped out was the ride to Plum Island and I stopped to see a house that is going to get demolished or something like that called the Pink House. I know very little about it other than it is going to be destoryed and its some kinds of historic landmark in the Newbery/Newberyport MA area on the way to Plum island. After I saw the Pink House I figured I would keep going to the beach and see how the ride was and if I could get the kids to the beach by bike. 

The ride to the beach area was where there was the most construction and I would not end up brining the kids to this beach. Also the beach in the picture is not a beach that you swim in this one is the dock for the fishing boats and there was no one there so I figured it was a better area to take photos and not feel weird doing it. The Plum Island beach is nice so its a little bit too bad that I can't bring the kids to this one but I have another beach I can try getting to in mind so I will be able to ride to there either this weekend or next and see if that one is a bit better for taking the kids. 

As for my goals and the main one I am focused on right now I should be on track to get a 100 mile ride in soon. I have been able to do 40-50 mile rides though they are split between riding with the kids and then going back out solo. So I do sit a home for a few minutes and have something to eat and drink. I can do that on the road though so I think I should be able to get it all done just fine. 

There is one problem I am going to run into with getting out on the 100 mile ride that I need to solve but it should be easy enough and that is that I tried to put a rack on my Ozark Trail bike and the screw snapped inside the frame. Below is a picture of the damage that happened. Now this is not the worst thing in the world it did strip the threading in the frame a little so that screw hole is no good but I should be able to get another bike rack with grips that go on the frame instead of screw in to get a rack on the back of the bike. I am testing one out on the mongoose I have so I think it will work on the Ozark trail bike as well. One can only hope I guess though. 

Anyway I am heading back to the journey and hopping to get another 75 miles of riding done this weekend. Thank you very much for reading have an wonderful day!


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