
Showing posts from November, 2024

Halloween and other updates.

A Halloween Ride I have not been feeling the best but I bought a costume for a halloween ride and decided no matter what I was going wear it and take the kids on a bike ride. So Halloween came and I put on my horse outfit and got ready to ride. It was also 78 degrees fahrenheit out so a horse costume with hood over the helmet was a very warm choice. It was such a good ride even if I was over heating and needed to shower the second I got home. On the ride I got a lot of laughs and a few people that said that was a fun costume idea so it was worth it. This was the kind of thing I needed to help me get back into my grove of the journey. It did not fix the depression feelings but made me feel a lot better about everything and my heart rate was not through the roof. This ride was a ton of fun to do and I would ride again next year hopefully to get more people to laugh at me being silly.  After Halloween Exercising So I like Halloween and my kids find the costumes fun so I made sure to buy c