This season is the worst for an exercising journey!
The cold and Flu season is the worst.
Two days ago I thought I just had a bit of a stuffy nose and I still went out for my morning ride. I was exhausted about 1 mile into the ride and not sure what was going on but I knew something was a bit off. I pushed thinking it was just me riding my bike too much again and the stuffy nose was just due to the cold weather. Well after I got settled back at home I sat at my computer and started work for the day. That is when my back and legs started aching. Again I thought I just rode too much and I was going to have to have a few rest days. Throughout the day things kept getting worse I was chilled to the bone and everything ached. So I took my tempurature.... 102.0... Well at least it was not over working out I was just sick again. I do not know what sickness I have I went to the clinic and they tested me for just about everything and nothing came back positive so its just rest and dealing with it. I am hopping to be better before Sunday/Monday there is some snow comming and I would love to ride my fat bike in it and get some nice photos while I am at it.
I love riding in the snow and cold now that I have done it. Waking up early in the morning and riding before the sun comes out fully makes me so happy. The sky is always a pretty color and there are no people so the ride is so peaceful. I can block the whole path take a silly photo and there is no one there to bother. I can not wait for my cold to be over so I can get back out there ride.
Sadly I wish I had more to update but I just don't have anything else with being sick. Thank you very much for reading have and wonderful day!
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