Breaks and getting back to it.
Short break in the journey.
So I have taken a short break in the journey kind of. I did not really stop exercising but I took some time to think about things before blogging again. A few weeks back we got a lot of snow. Nothing too much for the area where I live but enough to make it so that the sidewalks are not walk able and the roads are for cars only right now. That is a whole problem I would like for towns to address because I enjoy walking and cycling places instead of just driving there but no one enforces the snow removal policies that towns have in place so it just does not get done. Anyway, I have been lifting and running on the treadmill but I was finding it hard to write about as its mostly the same thing over and over again. Not that cycling is much different but at least I get to post some pictures and get something else out there other than just I lifted this much today.
There is still a lot of snow blocking the roads but I was sick of running inside so today I decided it was time to go for a bike ride. It was the best thing I have done in a while! Most of the ride was nothing special but that is perfectly fine I just needed to get outside and ride. It was 14 miles and I got to go on the bike paths again. The bike lanes on the roads were awful but I bought a fat bike just to ride it in the snow and through stuff that I would not want to take my gravel bike through.
I did have one fun thing happen to me right after this picture. There is a small hill on the path and it was covered in snow but people walked on it so it was packed down. The thing is it was warm out so the snow was soft. I was in the zone and not paying full attention to what was going on and it caused me to fall off my bike. I am not sure exactly what happened I think there was a bump that I missed while looking off in the distance and just turned my wheel the wrong way after hitting it but who knows. I did record it so I have the fun of posting my failure to the internet. So enjoy watching me fall.
What do the next few days look like for me?
What do the next few days look like in terms of the journey and will I be blogging or riding? Yes to both but I can not ride in the mornings like I normally do. The puddles and rivers of salt water will end up being rivers of ice and I do not have spikes on any of my tires and I do not want to fall on pavement or ice as that would be much worse than soft snow. With that though there will be a few rain storms in the next few days that will get rid of more of the snow and cause the puddles to drain once the snow is melted more so cycling will be back on soon. I will still be running and lifting too but getting outside and cycling makes me so much happier than being inside watching TV on a treadmill. I also decided that I am going to enter a triathlon in the summer that is near me so I have to train more to get ready for that. Its not a long one and I already can do all the running and cycling parts but the swim I am not as ready for so I will figure out all that.
I am off to continue the journey! Thank you very much for reading have and wonderful day!
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